
4th of July Trip To Alabama

So I know it's not the 4th of July yet but it will be kinda busy and the next day we're headed home. Well, this is how my week has went Monday was the trip down to Alabama. After eight hours in the car your butt goes numb and you get kinda crazy. Beth and I were giggling at everything. The only excitement of Tuesday was a trip to Wal-Mart woot-woot. Now Wednesday was awesome. I went with my sis, my cousin, and a friend to see Public Enemies. Ok so I'm (really) squeamish so I had to close my eyes a few times but it was really good. I mean Christian Bale, Johnny Depp, and 5 minutes of Channing Tatum what could go wrong. Oh and before that I watched my g-ma make chicken and dumplins so I would know how to make them. But had I known that her dumplins are just self-rising flour and water I probably could of made the without watching. They were really good so I think I'll try to make some by myself on Tuesday when we get home. So on to Thursday not much happened besides going to a strip mall for the evening. I got a really cute vest and being the bookworm I am.... a book from BAM! aka: Books-A-Million. Then today was basically the same as Tuesday except we went swimming at my aunts pool. Which I am sitting next to as I type this... she has wifi. Now tomorrow is bar-b-que and a trip to the river. Fun Fun. Well I guess that's it. I'll try to post sooner next time. So don't stop following me (BETH!!)